Who Are the Most Hated video games characters?

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most hated video games characters
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Video games have always been cherished for their memorable characters, yet not all of them win our hearts. While some characters become heroes, others get under our skin, fueling our ire with their antics, poor decisions, or just sheer annoying behavior. Here’s a deep dive into the most hated video games characters of all time. Be prepared for some seriously aggravating nostalgia!

The Most Hated Video Game Characters: Love to Loathe Them

1. Navi (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)

in game picture of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with link and navi, one of the most hated video games characters.
Navi’s purpose for players was to guide them through different obstacles but at the end it was just a thorn by their side.

“Hey! Listen!” If you’ve played “Ocarina of Time,” these words likely send shivers down your spine. Navi, the blue-winged fairy meant to guide Link, becomes notorious for her incessant and often unnecessary interjections. While intended to assist players, she often interrupted pivotal gameplay moments. I vividly recollect the times I navigated tricky puzzles only to have Navi’s voice break my concentration with unprompted advice.

Navi on wikipedia

2. Slippy Toad (Star Fox Series)

in game picture of Slippy Toad from Star Fox Series, one of the most hated video games characters.
Slippy Toad is annoying, clumsy and always makes troubles for you and your team. Also his voice doesn’t make it any less better.

From the moment he chirps in with a distress call, Slippy Toad from the Star Fox series proves to be more a liability than an asset. Often needing rescue and providing little in terms of strategic advantage, Slippy’s high-pitched voice and constant troublemaking make him a character that many players wish they could abandon in space. I recall countless missions derailed by having to save Slippy, wishing he’d just stay on the mothership.

Slippy Toad on starfox.fandom

3. Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4)

in game picture of Ashley Graham from Resident Evil 4, one of the most hated video games characters.
The Whole Plot of Resident Evil 4 circles around rescuing Ashley Graham. but Ashley is a stubborn and annoying person who always gets herself in trouble to make everything even worse.

When playing as Leon Kennedy in “Resident Evil 4,” rescuing President’s daughter Ashley Graham becomes a mission you’ll wish you could skip. Ashley’s tendency to get kidnapped again and her needing constant protection turn intense moments into escort nightmares among the most hated video games characters. Her helpless screams and lack of self-defense make every rescue mission feel like an arduous babysitting task. During my playthrough, hearing her call for help always induced a heavy sigh.

Ashley Graham on wikipedia

4. Tingle (The Legend of Zelda Series)

an art of Tingle From The Legend of Zelda Series, one of the most hated video games characters.
if you ever thought Tingle seems a bit off from the world of Zelda Games, well you’re right. He’s here to make matters worse and cost you lots of gold.

Tingle, the eccentric map maker, clad in green and obsessed with fairies, is one of the most bizarre and off-putting characters in the Zelda series. His weird antics and moon-walking routines aside, he charges exorbitantly for maps and services, making him both annoying and a financial burden. I often dreaded encountering Tingle, knowing it would invariably cost a pretty penny for his less-than-essential services.

Tingle on wikipedia

5. The Dog (Duck Hunt)

an art of The Dog from Duck Hunt, one of the most hated video games characters.
imagine every time you fail at a certain job, there’s always somebody who mocks you. That’s what The Dog from Duck Hunt does to its players. no wonder many players wanted to shoot it!

Ah, the satisfaction of shooting ducks in “Duck Hunt,” only to be shattered by that smug, laughing dog when you miss your shot. He serves no purpose other than mocking your failures, and players worldwide have wished for the chance to turn their aim on him. Every time that dog laughed at my misfortune, it solidified his place as one of the most hated characters in gaming history.

The Dog on wikipedia

 6. Baby Mario (Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island)

an art of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island with Yoshi and Baby Mario, one of the most hated video games characters.
Baby Mario is a toddler in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island. We can’t make any excuses to hate a toddler but the gameplay elements that circle around him and his constant crying makes baby mario an annoying character after all.

In “Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island,” Baby Mario’s cry is the stuff of nightmares withing the most hated video games characters. Whenever Yoshi is hit, Baby Mario floats away in a bubble, and his ear-piercing cry fills the speakers. The stress of quickly recovering him can turn a joyous platforming journey into a hurried, panic-inducing scramble. His incessant wailing often left me frustrated and hurried in my gameplay.

Baby Mario on wikipedia

7. Preston Garvey (Fallout 4)

in game picture of Preston Garvey from Fallout 4, one of the most hated video games characters.
Well you can say whatever you like about Fallout 4 but the one-sided character of Preston Garvey and his constant Complaints about other settlements was really a downside for the game.

Another settlement needs your help! Preston Garvey from “Fallout 4” is infamous for his repetitive quests, constantly sending players to clear more raider camps and rescue more settlements. His never-ending stream of missions becomes a chore, turning what could have been a charismatic leader into a nagging burden. I often felt overwhelmed by his relentless requests, wishing for a moment of peace in the wasteland.

Preston Garvey on wikipedia

8. Roman Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV)

in game picture of Roman Bellic from Grand Theft Auto IV, one of the most hated video games characters.
some may like Roman Bellic but the majority of GTA IV players didn’t like him overall. He’s a liability to niko and only causes him troubles and he can’t even help him!

Niko, cousin! Let’s go bowling! Roman Bellic’s incessant calls and texts to engage in mundane activities, such as bowling or darts, become a significant distraction in “Grand Theft Auto IV.” While meant to add depth to the character, his pestering often disrupts the game’s pacing and immersion. I can’t count how many times I ignored his calls, muting his annoying insistence.

Roman Bellic on rockstargames

9. The Adoring Fan (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)

in game picture of The Adoring Fan from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, one of the most hated video games characters.
Imagine a character who can’t defend himself and follows you everywhere. That’s the perfect description for The Adoring fan and his shenanigans.

After achieving fame in the Arena, players are followed by the Adoring Fan, whose sycophantic behavior quickly becomes grating out of most hated video games characters. His high-pitched voice and blind adoration make him an unbearable companion. Many players have shared creative ways to rid themselves of his presence, from luring him to cliffs to abandoning him in dangerous dungeons. His persistent praise wore down my patience within minutes.

The Adoring Fan on wikipedia

10. Waluigi (Mario Tennis Series)

in game picture of Waluigi from Mario Tennis Series, one of the most hated video games characters.
The Whole Creation of a character like Waluigi is just to fill playable characters slots. He’s just a negative copy of luigi with no quality and character arc.

Waluigi, introduced in “Mario Tennis,” lacks the charm or appeal of other Mario franchise characters. His whiny voice, gangly appearance, and overall lack of purpose in the series make him a character many love to hate. Unlike Wario, who has some redeeming qualities, Waluigi feels forced into the roster, leaving fans questioning his relevance. I always found his inclusion baffling and irritating, preferring matches where he wasn’t involved.

Waluigi on mariowiki

11. Otis (Dead Rising)

in game picture of Otis from Dead Rising, one of the most hated video games characters.
Otis may seem like a good natured character that wants to help players but his timing is always at the worst possible moments to make him a hated character.

In “Dead Rising,” Otis repeatedly calls protagonist Frank West via walkie-talkie, often at the worst possible moments. These calls halt the gameplay, requiring players to stop and listen to often redundant information. Despite providing useful tips occasionally, his interruption during critical encounters with hordes of zombies makes him more of a hindrance. I often wished for a way to mute his intrusive calls permanently.

Otis on steampowered

12. Fi (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)

in game picture of Fi from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, one of the most hated video games characters.
Fi may seem like a guidance and helping hand, but her lack of character and personality makes her the worst.

Fi, the spirit inhabiting the Goddess Sword in “Skyward Sword,” is meant to be a helpful guide but instead turns into a source of frustration with her constant interruptions and obvious observations. Her robotic tone and lack of emotive personality contrast sharply with the series’ past companions. Every time Fi emerged with unnecessary information, my enthusiasm waned, replaced by impatience in the number of most hated video games characters.

Fi on zelda.fandom

13. Captain Qwark (Ratchet & Clank Series)

in game picture of Captain Qwark from Ratchet & Clank Series, one of the most hated video games characters.
Captain Qwark is a corny superhero wanna be of a character that is trying to help Ratchet & Clank but only makes matters even worse and cause them a lot of problems.

While initially introduced as a bumbling hero in the “Ratchet & Clank” series, Captain Qwark’s selfishness, deceitful ways, and overt cowardice quickly earn him players’ disdain. His antics frequently place Ratchet and Clank in unnecessary danger, turning him from a goofy sidekick to a frustrating liability. I often found myself questioning why Ratchet didn’t leave Qwark behind, annoyed by every mishap he caused.

Captain Qwark on ratchetandclank.fandom

14. Princess Peach (Various Mario Titles)

in game picture of Princess Peach from Various Mario Titles, one of the most hated video games characters.
Hate is a strong word to use against poor Princess Peach. She gets into trouble and needs rescuing because of bowser. This fact alone made her a little bit annoying.

In several Mario games, Princess Peach is often in need of rescue, which can become repetitive and frustrating over time. While her character has evolved over the years to take on more active roles, her initial portrayal as a damsel in distress has irked many players. I remember childhood debates with friends about why Mario would even bother with her repeated kidnappings.

Princess Peach on wikipedia

15. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)

in game picture of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII, one of the most hated video games characters.
Once upon a time in the world of Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth was a noble warrior. but when he found out about his origins he became a nihilistic villain with no remorse, therefore making him a hated character in the series.

Many fans consider Sephiroth one of the greatest villains, yet his actions in “Final Fantasy VII” make him one of the most hated video games characters as well. From burning down Nibelheim to his merciless murder of Aerith, Sephiroth’s cruelty resonates deeply with players. His sheer evil made me and countless other fans vow to see him defeated, fueling our determination through countless battles.

Sephiroth on finalfantasy

16. Eric Sparrow (Tony Hawk’s Underground)

in game picture of Eric Sparrow from Tony Hawk’s Underground, one of the most hated video games characters.
Eric Sparrow is a bitter and jealous character that betrays players constantly to become a shunned character among fans.

In “Tony Hawk’s Underground,” Eric Sparrow starts as a friend but soon reveals himself as the most loathsome rival. His constant betrayals and backstabbing antics turn him from a companion into an arch-nemesis. Every opportunity he takes to steal the limelight and undermine the protagonist cements his status as a character players love to hate.

Eric Sparrow on imdb

17. Parker (Mass Effect Series)

an art of Parker from Mass Effect Series, one of the most hated video games characters.
Parker is a scheming and manipulative character in the mass effect series. He’s a thorn by your side and makes everything in your quests even harder.

Parker, the persistent antagonist in the “Mass Effect” series, continuously hinders your progress with his nefarious schemes. His relentless pursuit of power and willingness to betray allies make him a character you can’t wait to defeat. His manipulative ways and underhanded tactics irritated me to no end, always eager for the moment I could finally best him.

18. Zubat (Pokémon Series)

an art of Zubat from Pokémon Series, one of the most hated video games characters.
Zubat is a hated monster in the world of Pokémon. This creature blocks the player’s progress and makes their experience as hard as it gets.

A wild Zubat appears! The sheer frequency with which Zubat appear in caves throughout the Pokémon series turns them from a simple nuisance into one of the most hated Pokémon and one of the most hated video games characters. Their repeated use of moves like Supersonic to confuse and prolong battles makes them an unwanted encounter. Exploring caves became a dreaded task, knowing the swarm of Zubat awaiting inside.

Zubat on bulbapedia

19. Trevor Phillips (Grand Theft Auto V)

in game picture of Trevor Phillips from Grand Theft Auto V, one of the most hated video games characters.
Trevor Phillips at his core is a psychopath with no sense of dignity. He’s violent, emotionless and only cares about money and of course, himself!

While some players appreciate Trevor Phillips from “Grand Theft Auto V” for his chaotic nature, his sociopathic tendencies and unpredictable behavior make him a character many find unsettling. His violent outbursts and disturbing lifestyle contrast sharply with other characters, making him difficult to like. Playing as Trevor often left me feeling uneasy, uncertain what horrors he might unleash next.

Trevor Phillips on gta.fandom

20. Kai Leng (Mass Effect 3)

in game picture of Kai Leng from Mass Effect 3, one of the most hated video games characters.
Kai Leng is one of the main reasons why some missions in mass effect 3 might go wrong. He’s arrogant and doesn’t care about the good nature of Shepard and his team.

Kai Leng, the Cerberus operative in “Mass Effect 3,” quickly earns players’ hatred with his arrogance and persistent interference. His role in critical missions, along with his smug attitude, make every encounter feel personal. Every showdown with Leng fueled my fury, determined to put an end to his condescending ways.

Kai Leng on masseffect.fandom

21. Trudy (Fallout: New Vegas)

in game picture of Trudy from Fallout: New Vegas, one of the most hated video games characters.
Trudy is a side character with minor involvement in the main storyline of New Vegas. She’s here to give the players their first ever quest that adds nothing to players and the whole narrative.

In “Fallout: New Vegas,” Trudy might be a minor character, but her petty demands and ungrateful attitude make her a memorable nuisance. Her constant bickering and complaints add little to the storyline, making her interactions more of an aggravation. Every conversation felt like a chore, yearning to move on from her tiresome melodrama.

Trudy onfallout.fandom


Reflecting on these most hated video games characters, it’s clear that some have managed to become memorable, not through heroism or charm, but by embodying traits that players universally dislike. These characters, though annoying and frustrating, play vital roles in their respective games, challenging players and adding depth to the narratives. Whether it’s the grating cries of Baby Mario or the consistent demands of Preston Garvey, each character has etched an indelible mark on the gaming community, ensuring they won’t be forgotten anytime soon. Here’s to the characters we love to hate—may our gaming journeys be ever free from their less-than-welcome presence!

Why do game developers create intentionally annoying characters?

Creating intentionally annoying characters can serve various purposes in storytelling. These characters can evoke stronger emotional responses from players, add comedic relief, or provide critical plot challenges. By eliciting frustration or dislike, developers can make the game more immersive and engaging, fostering a memorable and impactful experience.

How do players typically handle hated characters in games?

Players handle hated characters in games in various ways, from avoiding them whenever possible to creatively finding in-game strategies to minimize their impact. Sometimes, players collectively share their grievances online, turning mutual frustrations into humorous community discussions. In some games, players may exploit game mechanics to actively hinder or “remove” these characters from their experience.

Can hated characters ever evolve into fan favorites?

Yes, hated characters can sometimes evolve into fan favorites if their story arc allows for redemption, depth, or significant character development. Sometimes, players grow to appreciate these characters for their complexity and the emotional responses they evoke, leading to a newfound respect or even affection for those initially despised.

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