Weapons in PC Games

10 Weapons in PC Games That Could Rule The World if They Were Real

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The weapons in PC Games are the coolest things invented by developers. what if these weapons became real in a way that each has the same power and abilities as the games we play? You should be able to imagine the intensity, passion, and experience of watching these marvelous tools of authority coming to life. So here we go, let us look at Weapons in PC Games that if they broke out of the screen could surely own the world. let your creativity out and be mesmerized by these awesome inventions here that are worth admiring.

Weapons in PC Games That Could Rule the World if They Were Real

1. Gravity Gun – Half-Life 2

Starting with a bang, the Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2 revolutionizes how we interact with the environment. It enables users to manipulate objects from a distance, hurling them with incredible force or gently placing them in position. Imagine the real-world situations—construction, rescue missions, and even self-defense. This tool transcends typical weaponry, transforming us from mere spectators to master manipulators of our surroundings. Picture yourself clearing debris or effortlessly moving heavy objects as if they weighed nothing. The Gravity Gun makes the impossible tasks seem effortless, truly a world-changing invention.

2. BFG 9000 – DOOM Eternal

The BFG 9000, iconic in the DOOM franchise, is a marvel of destructive power. This behemoth fires massive projectiles that obliterate anything in its path, creating massive devastation. Envision the sheer force of a single shot eradicating entire hordes of threats. In real life, this weapon would be the ultimate deterrent, a symbol of unparalleled might and control. The power encapsulated within the BFG 9000 would make any confrontation seem trivial, placing the wielder in a league of their own—an epitome of unstoppable force.

3. The Hidden Blade – Assassin’s Creed Series

Transitioning to stealth and elegance, the Hidden Blade from the Assassin’s Creed series is the perfect example of covert efficiency. This retractable blade allows assassins to eliminate targets silently and swiftly, making it an indispensable tool for any stealth operation. Visualize the real-world implications: undercover missions, precise surgical strikes, and unparalleled discretion. The Hidden Blade would grant its owner unmatched power in executing delicate tasks, transforming them into a shadowy figure of retribution and precision. The blend of sophistication and lethal effectiveness embodies the ultimate tool for any clandestine hero.

4. Portal Gun – Portal Series

What if you could create doorways to any location instantly? The Portal Gun from the Portal series does just that, allowing users to connect two points in space seamlessly. Imagine the limitless possibilities: instant travel, escaping dangerous situations, or conducting rapid evacuations. In our reality, this device would revolutionize transportation and logistics, making distance and obstacles irrelevant. The whimsical yet profound nature of the Portal Gun would fundamentally change how we perceive space and movement, offering an almost magical means to traverse the world with unparalleled ease.

5. Fat Man – Fallout Series

Next, we delve into the post-apocalyptic world with the Fat Man from the Fallout series. This portable nuclear launcher packs a punch, firing mini-nukes that create colossal explosions. Imagine the awe-inspiring power of wielding such a force. While terrifying, the real-world application of a weapon like the Fat Man would reshape strategic warfare, bringing an overwhelming sense of power and fear. The ability to unleash such devastating energy would place immense responsibility in the hands of the wielder, a true representation of ultimate destructive potential.

6. Frostmourne – World of Warcraft

From the mystical lands of World of Warcraft comes Frostmourne, a sword of immense dark power. This rune blade not only cuts through enemies with ease but also steals their souls, empowering its wielder further. Picture yourself holding a weapon of such sinister might, feeling the surge of power with each strike. In real life, Frostmourne would be a feared and revered artifact, its powers granting unparalleled strength and malevolence. Wielding it would be both a blessing and a curse, bestowing immeasurable power while whispering darkness into the mind of its handler.

7. Tesla Cannon – Fallout Series

Imagine harnessing the power of electricity in a weapon, and you have the Tesla Cannon from the Fallout series. This weapon emits powerful arcs of electricity, frying enemies and machines alike. Picture the empowering sensation of directing such raw energy. In reality, the Tesla Cannon could revolutionize both combat and energy delivery, offering a means to disable electronic systems or unleash electric storms on the battlefield. The ability to wield lightning would be both awe-inspiring and practical, making its user a true master of electrical warfare.

8. Mjolnir – Marvel’s Avengers

No weapon list would be complete without Thor’s Mjolnir, featured in Marvel’s Avengers. This enchanted hammer grants control over thunder and lightning, and only those deemed worthy can lift it. Imagine wielding such a symbol of divine power, summoning storms, and delivering devastating smashes. In reality, Mjolnir’s abilities would set its bearer apart as a godlike figure, capable of extraordinary feats. The blend of divinity and combat prowess encapsulates the ultimate hero’s weapon, embodying both physical and supernatural strength.

9. AWP – Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

For the sharpshooters among us, the AWP sniper rifle from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a legendary weapon. Known for its one-shot kill capability, this rifle combines pinpoint accuracy with lethal power. Imagine the tension and precision required to use such a weapon effectively. In the real world, the AWP would make its marksman a formidable force, executing missions with deadly finesse. The reputation of the AWP as a sniper’s ultimate tool of destruction lives on, transforming those who wield it into feared and respected sharpshooters.

10. Omniwrench – Ratchet & Clank

Last but not least, the Omniwrench from Ratchet & Clank is a multifunctional tool that combines both melee weapons and gadgets. This wrench can adjust, repair, and dismantle various devices while also proving effective in combat. Imagine having a versatile tool like this in real life—perfect for engineers, adventurers, or hand-to-hand combat. The Omniwrench transcends typical weaponry, providing practical and tactical advantages that elevate its wielder’s capabilities. Having it in our toolkit would make us resourceful heroes, prepared for any challenge, mechanical or combat-related.


Exploring these potent and imaginative weapons from PC games stirs a profound sense of excitement and wonder. Each weapon, from the reality-bending Portal Gun to the godly might of Mjolnir, carries unique features that blend fantasy with potential real-world impact. Imagining the possibility of wielding such power inspires us, fueling our dreams and enhancing our gaming experiences. Let’s celebrate these fantastic creations, appreciating the rich tapestry of possibilities they weave into our imaginations.

By embracing the imaginative worlds these weapons come from, we allow our minds to soar, pondering the incredible feats we could achieve if fantasy ever met reality.

Could these weapons be created with today’s technology?

While some aspects, like the Gravity Gun’s manipulation technology, are theoretically plausible, most of these weapons require advancements far beyond current capabilities, especially concerning energy manipulation and power sources.

What ethical concerns would arise from owning such powerful weapons?

The ethical implications are vast, including potential misuse, the imbalance of power, and the destructive impact on society. Strict regulation and ethical considerations would be necessary to prevent catastrophic outcomes.

How do game designers balance fantastical weapons with gameplay mechanics?

Designers often integrate balancing features such as limited ammunition, cooldown periods, or specific usage scenarios to ensure these powerful weapons do not overshadow the overall gameplay experience, promoting strategic use rather than sheer dominance.

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